In 1992, a group of ordinary people did an extraordinary thing! This group of concerned citizens including the late Dottie Berger MacKinnon, the late Bob Thomas, the late Olin Mott, the late Alberto de Alejos; and the surviving Jim Zimmerman, Laurence Hall, and Greg Johnson, came together to turn their dream of a safe haven for abused, abandoned, and neglected children into a reality. Their vision became Joshua House, which has since provided a safe haven for more than 5,000 children from across the Tampa Bay region.
Founder’s Message
It seems like such a short time ago that we gathered our friends and supporters and began to design a home for our communities’ foster children. Out of much work and dedication, we now have Joshua House and a three-decade history of providing a therapeutic shelter for abused, abandoned, and neglected children. Joshua House has seen many changes over the years, but the core values and philosophies have remained constant: to heal the wounds of abuse and to provide a nurturing and welcoming place where each child is made to feel special.
Throughout Joshua House’s time in service, it has been committed to our initial intent. Our legacy is to ensure that as the community’s needs change so will Joshua House, so that exemplary service is always delivered to meet whatever may be the day’s needs, and most importantly the needs of our children. Dedicated to improving the quality of life for each and every child, Joshua House truly does provide the safe haven that was initially intended; for this, we are immensely proud. We are also proud of the community support received. Without the support of our friends, families, and this community, Joshua House could very easily become just a memory. Thank you for being part of the “friends” of Joshua House, and making a difference in so many lives.

A Safe Haven

Thank you for considering donating your time and resources to help ensure that the Joshua House can continue providing safe haven for abused, neglected and abandoned children.